Pro Se litigants:

"Deprived of life, liberty or property without due process."

"Refuse to operate within the law and provide fair procedures".

Access to justice has eroded. Pro Se litigants are discouraged and denied rights with the intent to sabotage pro se litigants access to justice. These biases exists in direct contradiction to the Supreme Court ruling in Faretta v. California; "that everyone has the constitutional right to proceed without counsel".

Olmstad v. United States, (1928) 277 U.S. 438
"Crime is contagious. If the Government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites everyone to become a law unto himself, it invites anarchy".

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Maryland District Court in Montgomery County

During trail, the Maryland district court judge was favorable to the defendants which I am not surprised. I was the plaintiff and the defendants fabricated throughout the trail which the Judge permitted. I was a pro se litigant representing myself  and I failed to research the history of the Maryland Court system and Montgomery County.  I discovered that Montgomery County haven't been friendly to the low-income community, minorities and women.(See Administrative order creating a anti-bias commission, 2002), this to ensure gender, racial and ethnic fairness.  I had complained about a white landlord in a predominately minority community which he retaliated against me because I filed a complaint of inhabitable living conditions which my apartment failed inspection. The Judge was favorable to the landlord because of his own biases not because they won legitimately.

The Judge allowed his human nature to supersede justice therefore he was bias against me because of reasons of my income classification, race, gender and religion. I was in court from 8:00 am until 2:00 pm while he showed favoritism when the defendant's lawyer was late. Judge Conroy tried to intimidate me yet I stood up against the fabrication and bias remarks of corruptive behavior and actions. He used these aggressive measures to deny my rights because of the history of Montgomery county of stigmatism and stereotyping towards certain class of citizens is perpetuated through the institutionalized legality of unfair treatment.

Judge Conroy informed me that I need a lawyer without acknowledging that "pro se" litigants (self representation) is legal and Constitutional. Elmore v. McCammon (1986) " the right to file a lawsuit pro se is one of the most important rights under the constitution and laws".  Judge Conroy refuse to allow me to read and cross examine the evidence that the defendants produced. The Judge claimed that I didn't breach my lease when it states on the notice to vacat that I violated the terms of lease and refer to B.3, B.4, 5,6,8 & 9 of my lease agreement. However the defendant's alleged that I had an unauthorized visitor and violated peaceful enjoyment agreement. I had gave court documents concerning a tenant who threaten me which I was granted a peace order from the court. In addition, proved that I had no one living with me, the defendants retaliated against me because I file a claim against them.

Judge Conroy yelled and screamed during trail and turning red in the face, (Judges have a duty under Canon 3) "To be patient, dignified and courteous to litigants" (Section B4) I was the pro se litigant plaintiff and the defendant was represented by an attorney fabricating in Court swearing under oath promising God to tell the truth". Judges manipulating and suppressing the truth, manufacturing facts, mischaracterize pleadings and engage in ex-parte communication. Gonzalez v. Commission on Judicial Performance (1983) 33 Cal. 3d 270, 286.

I encourage anyone who has no funds for an attorney don't allow these Judges in Montgomery County to intimidate you from your Constitutional rights. You have a right to fight for your rightful place in the judicial system. Regardless the erosion of civil liberties that corresponds to the marginalization or undermining your constitutional rights within the Maryland Court system; please remember the State of Maryland has a low integrity rate with the government activities which includes the court system.